Tuesday 2 November 2010

The month of October ♥

I must say that the month of October is not my favourite month of the year, but this October hasn't really been to bad. Its had it's ups and downs but generally it's been a fairly decent month. I like it when its gets a little colder and the leaves start falling off the trees and make it feel like autumn, i also like it when it begins to get darker earlier, it gives me an excuse to snuggle up in my joggers and hoodie watch films and drink tea, but no dought ill get bored of that pretty soon and want summer back. 
So what significant things have happened in October ? ...

♥ I passed my driving test! yay! It took me five times to pass but i did it!

♥ Me and my boyfriend of 3 years broke up :(, but you have to keep your chin up don't you.

♥ I went to Alton Towers scarefest! spooky! 

♥ I drove on the motorway for the first time to Sheffield, it was scary.

♥ I spent a lovely lovely weekend in Leeds with my friend lewis.

♥ I have been to numerous 18th gatherings/parties.

♥ I went to Coventry for a few days with Michaela, which was amazing.

♥ And i learnt how to catch trains without getting on the wrong ones.

I spent all my wages in topshop or on food!

Here are just a few snaps that some up my month...

Driving my lovely little red KA in my new Raybans.
The girls and Jack - pre drinks before a night out.
Classic photo in the toilet mirror moment.
Autumn in the forest, Nottingham.
Alton Towers Scarefest with the girlies!
Sam's 18th! I love Kayla.
Goose Fair, Nottingham.


  1. It seems like a pretty hectic month! So sorry about the splitting up...
    Congrats on the rest!

  2. congratulations on passing your driver's test! yay! looks like you have a great group of friends to get you through this break up.
